CANIS NIGER,the red wolf or the Texas red wolf, is the all-American wolf. Unlike his gray relative, the red wolf has no close ties in other countries.
While the hardy gray wolf has retreated to the rugged, mountainous regions of the west and north , the little red wolf prefers a milder climate in southeastern Texas,Oklahoma, Arkansas, some of the Gulf states, and the upper and lower Mississippi River valleys. In former days his range was apparently much more extensive, reaching into all the southern Gulf states, east of the Mississippi river for some distance, into many regions of the Southwest, and even into florida.
During the early days of the open range and great cattle drives from Texas to the north, the cowboy warred on the red wolf, for marauding packs of hungry wolves were a constant threat to livestock. Whenever athe carcass of a half-eaten steer was sighted, the cowman immediately placed the blame at the door of the wolf. The animal might have died from natural causes or injuries inflicted during the drive, but this made no difference. The cry of "Wolf, wolf," sounded throughout the length and breadth of the cattle country, and a united drive was made to destroy them wherever they were to be found. The drive was almost successful, and today the red wolf exists in much reduced numbers in limited territories, and is in great danger of becoming extinct.
(From Album of North American Animals by Vera Dugdale)

More on this subject in later posts. No really. Seriously! Anyway, signing off, bye.
We have a red wolf that lives in the "forest" behind my office building.
I prefer purple wolves, but they are really rare and I think they only live in the country somewhere east of the son and west of the moon.
I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any redwolves in bankhead national forrest in alabama. If anyone knows please e-mail me @ Thank you
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